2024年2月29日 — Spybot Anti-Beacon is a tool that will attempt to curtail Windows 7/8/10/11 from sending data back to Microsoft. Created by the developers ...
2023年11月27日 — Es blockiert gezielt Spionage-Funktionen, darunter die Übermittlung von Telemetriedaten, die normalerweise nur mühsam über die Kommandozeile ...
Buy now! Spybot Anti-Beacon Plus. 9.99 €. Spybot Anti-Beacon is a standalone tool which was designed to block and stop the various tracking (telemetry) issues ...
We provide advertisement free mirrors for Spybot Anti-Beacon. Please consider buying a license or donating to our cause to support our work and allow us to ...
Spybot Anti-Beacon is a new attempt to reach the privacy protection goal when using Windows 10, providing a quick and easy way to disable telemetry services, ...